A Trust-based Reciprocal Relationship is Our Priority. A Trust-based Reciprocal Relationship is Our Priority.
Advanced product design and technology
COMET Sensor has developed and mass-produced PTC temperature sensors for the first time in Korea. Since, we have been playing an important role in temperature control area for exhaust system of automotive, industrial and agricultural machineries.
Based on these combined technologies, we are developing and manufacturing a variety of sensors including temperature sensors. We promise to do our best for customer satisfaction with advanced technologies and better productivity. We will continuously focus our efforts toward become the leader in the related business field and we would like to ask for your kind encouragement and support.- Company NameCOMET Sensor Co., Ltd.
- EstablishmentOctober, 2001
- C.E.O.Sang Joo Kim
- Employees50
- Plant Location5, Emtibeui 1-ro 163beon-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Innovative Sensor Technologyinnovative sensor technology
Company Info.
Company (회사이름)
COMET Sensor
Founded (설립연도)
October, 2001
Ceo (대표이사)
Sang Joo Kim
Employees (근로자)
Address (공장소재)
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Annual Revenue (연매출)
US $10 million
Organization ChartOrganization chart